Author: Mahsa Ramez

  • Smart Mobility Advantage: The Analytics Translator

    As someone who works in data science and understands smart mobility, I’ve noticed that sometimes there can be disagreements between data scientists and experts in smart mobility who don’t specialize in data. I’ve been part of various projects and have seen many succeed around the world. Often, disagreements are due…

  • Why smart mobility needs analytics translator?

    In the fast-paced world of smart mobility, the flow of data is endless. Cities teem with information from traffic signals, GPS devices, and countless sensors, all capturing the rhythm of urban life. Yet, this data alone is like an uncharted map, filled with potential but indecipherable without a skilled interpreter.…

  • From analysis to action: “Leading with data”

    In the tech-savvy world we live in, my journey began with a degree in Software Engineering and then a master’s in Data Science. These fields are not just about coding and numbers; they’re about solving puzzles and making discoveries. As I stepped into the professional world, I met many managers.…

  • The “So what?!” Moment changed my perspective

    Working as a data scientist in a large company can be challenging, especially when you’re part of a team with both technical and non-technical members. The pressure of deadlines often highlights the communication gap between these two groups. For instance, have you ever been in a meeting where a software…

  • Data science meets smart mobility

    Data science meets smart mobility

    The Intersection of Data Science and Smart Mobility: Enhancing Urban Life In the bustling urban landscapes of our modern world, the concept of ‘smart cities’ has emerged as a beacon of hope for a more efficient, sustainable, and livable future. At the heart of this transformation lies the power of…